© 2022 mCloud Technologies. All rights reserved.

mCloud is unlocking the untapped potential of energy-intensive assets with AssetCare™ to curb energy waste, maximize energy production, optimize reliability and get the most out of critical infrastructure. IoT sensors bring data from connected assets into the cloud, where AI and analytics are applied to maximize performance in oil and gas processing facilities, as well as other process industries.

Automation and control systems can fail without warning, and unknown failures can lead to lengthy major outages and lost production.

Help your facility to reach its full operating potential today

5 Simple Steps Can Increase Your Automation System Reliability

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It's time to look at your process control systems differently.

About mCloud Technologies Corp.


Technical Services



Industries that rely on large amounts of process automation equipment can leverage digital technology to avoid unplanned downtime:

Advanced Analytics

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Edge Devices

Cloud Computing

You CAN Avoid Costly Downtime

Leverage these digital innovations and gain valuable foresight that maximizes system reliability.

Baseline Asset Behaviors and Interdependencies in Real-Time

Connect Every Asset

Use Data to Drive Decision Making

Implement Cybersecurity Measures

Employ Wide-Scale Visibility and Analysis


Read the Whitepaper

Connected Workers

We'll walk you through these 5 STEPS and show you how to move your digitalization efforts from high-level concept to a tangible reality: